三、時間: 107年5月7日至5月8日(口頭競賽:5月8日)。
五、舉行方式:分為(1).醫藥化學組 (2).應用化學組 (3).生醫、生技及環境生物組,請各位同學選擇所屬領域報名參加壁報競賽,張貼壁報並且口頭報告5分鐘,大學部與研究所學生分開競爭。評審將以摘要及壁報內容與口頭報告綜合評分。
六、壁報格式: 90(寬)cm x 120(長)cm。
2018 Students’ Poster and oral presentation competition
We welcome all students to present your study in the poster and oral competition. This competition is open to all students (undergraduates, Master students and Ph.D students). Attendants have to present their posters on May 7 during 12:00-13:00 as well as 5 minutes oral presentations on May 8 during 9:00-12:00. All presentations will be evaluated by Honorable Judges. The top three presentation awards will be given to the winners as selected by Judges.
This competition is divided into the following groups, please select one which belongs to your research area:
(1)Medicinal chemistry
(2)Applied chemistry
(3)Biomedical sciences, biotechnology, and environmental biology
【Abstract guideline】
Write as continuous text organized as background and rationale for the study, main results, and conclusions. Do not exceed 250 words.
【Poster guideline】
The poster should be 90 cm (W) x 120 cm (H). The poster must include a title, your full name, and clearly represent your research, methods, results and conclusions. The title and the content on the poster must be clearly visible from a distance of 1 meter.
【Registration Notice】
(1)The registration (abstract submission) deadline will be closed on 13 April 2018 at 17:00. The abstract (pdf. file) should be mailed to 1007078@gmail.com.
(2)The poster submission deadline for competition will be closed on 18 April 2018 at 17:00. The poster (pdf. file) should be mailed to 1007078@gmail.com. Please go below the form format.
(3)Reward: to be announced.